Saturday, January 7, 2017

New Year, Who Dis?

So 2017 is officially here, (it's actually been here for 7 days now, but who's counting?).
In December, I set goals for myself that I wanted to accomplish before the end of 2017, & I am doing well so far. No, it's not a "New Year's Resolution", because I personally think that those are plain dumb. I set these goals for myself because I was tired of taking L's left & right smh. And for some reason, something about "The New Year" just seems like a good time to pretend like you have control of your life, when in actuality, you know it's slowly spiraling out of your control, & you can do nothing to stop it. (*Crys*)
Anywho,  I'm sure your're interested in finding out what some of my goals are for the year of 2017, (I know you actually aren't ), so I'll drop them below & give you a brief explanation of what each one means to me & why I want to accomplish it.

1) Get a License
The reason for this is pretty obvious. but if you still must know more, I have 0.2 friends & no other way of getting around than my parents & the local city bus, which both can get old.
2) Get a Car
This is kind of the same thing as my first goal. Once I get my license, which is set to be January 11th 2017 (depending on if the ice/snowy roads clear up enough for me to take my final driving test), I'll be able to purchase a car after my 18th birthday, which is on February 9th. #GrownMan
Comment your first car, or when you got/will get your license below. 
3) Become a Ministerial Servant
For those of you who don't know, I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. A Ministerial Servant is basically a person who assist those in the congregation to reach their full potential. This is one of my goals because I have a genuine love for human kind & I believe that I am an easy person to talk to, which goes a long way as a Ministerial Servant.
4) Regular Auxiliary Pioneer
(Another Spiritual Goal)
An auxiliary pioneer is a person who spend 50 hours of service preaching each month about god's kingdom, something that I've wanted to do for awhile, & will be in a position to do so, once I graduate school.(Next Goal)
5) Graduate School
Again, this is obvious. I've attended this draining, tedious thing for all of my life, & I'm ready to be done with school, finally!
6) Be a better Person
A general goal that I want to improve on in all areas of my life.

Sooo, yep, that about wraps up everything that I hope to accomplish before 2017 ends, maybe I'll even accomplish more. Let me know your goals for 2017 & check back often for the next blog post.

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