Saturday, January 7, 2017

Growing Up a #JW

In my previous post, I talked a bout a few of my goals, which included spiritual ones also.
I let everyone know that I was one of Jehovahs's Witnesses, which everybody thinks they know something about.
In reality, they know little, so as one, I'll take the time to explain what a Jehovah's Witness is.
So, I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness all of my life. I had always went out in service every Saturday with my family. Service is the practice of going out whether door to door, public places, or wherever we find interested ones, telling them about God's Kingdom & his purpose for mankind & the earth.
we attend Conventions & Assemblies every year, conventions last for 3 days, & assemblies are only 1. We go here to be encouraged, & receive updates on things throughout the organization, which is now over 8 million individuals.
I was baptized on January 27. 2012, at the age of 12 years old. Since then, I've enjoyed many privileges of service, that includes reading the watchtower for our public meetings, & carrying the microphones to those who wish to participate during the question & answer portions.
Becoming a Jehovah's Witness was a choice that I voluntarily made, & one that I have no regrets about.
If you want to read more about Jehovah's Witnesses, feel free to visit our website online at

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